This is a preliminary experiment/canvass as to whether some of the ideas in this thread hold true to the visual data that we can see.
I was thinking an easy test we can perform is to put a series of top political candidates side by side (from different countries) and see if we find any correlations between things like conservativism and progressivism and type. It can be from present or past election cycles. Feel free to add yours too! All countries welcome.
I'll start with the 2016 USA Election featuring:
Progressive/Left: FeSi Bernie Sanders (alt: FeNi)
Conservative/Right: TeNi Donald Trump
I choose Bernie vs Trump because I believe the real, public debate wasn't ever actually between Hilary and Trump. The actual ideological struggle really happened between Bernie and Trump/Hilary combined. Hilary was just the lesser of two rather similar views... and the nation chose not to be lukewarm about it.
1979-1990 Former Conservative Party Leader/Prime Minister: SiTe Margaret Thatcher
I don't know who to use as the rival, since she had many and as I understand she ruled over everyone quite unanimously for a very long time. She was know as the "Iron Lady" and was a firm hand that stood for Great Britain's interests and turned the situation around from what she'd term 'failed' socialists experiments before her office.
(Sidenote, I love the rowdy nature of the UK's parliament. Seems like a lively bunch of drunks at a pub.)